Read about the process of my creations below. Please note that the talismanic, limited edition cards are sold out. As talismans, that is, as magical objects, once sold out, they are not made again. If a second edition is made, then it appears in standard form printed by the Make Playing Cards company, where I have a Read Like the Devil shop.

You can get a reading with the first edition of my art tarots and oracles if you want to experience their power and flow, and you can also get a reading with the non-commercial decks that I created for special occasions.

Not also that while you can always get an artwork in the form of a sigil, an original calligraphy, or a talisman – in the form of a signed book or custom perfume, the best is to keep an eye on my newsletter, where I make occasional announcements as to when I have something new. This includes my gelatin silver prints and porcelain projects. So, stay tuned.

One cut, one blood

For over a decade I have been creating cards under the signature Read Like the Devil. I started doing this as a rebellion against the claim that it takes hard effort and forever to create a deck. While work certainly goes into the general production, the actual creation of an art piece need not take long at all. One evening I set out to demonstrate. I invented an art process that follows three simple rules : two colors, no edits, it is what it is. You can unpack this while chanting my mantra, one cut, one blood in the following way:

  • Have a dream or a flash idea.

  • Create calligraphic images, samurai style. Make all your images in one sitting, spending no more than a few seconds or minutes per image. Use no more than two colors.

  • Don’t edit. It is what it is.

These rules apply to all my art projects, from calligraphy to darkroom photography. One way or another, I never spend more than seconds for making decisions and for executing. I leave it to the process itself to create that which exceeds my control. Enjoy the examples here, of cards, sigils, calligraphy, and photography.