Art decks
You can get a snappy reading that is as Devilish as hell with one of my own creations.
To date I have created 7 original art decks and participated in making two others. The limited editions decks have all sold out in a manner of minutes. The non-commercial decks are coveted from afar.
Since this is a sad state of affairs, I’m told, what with people not being able to get my decks, I decided to make another offer instead. You can now have the possibility to experience the power and flow of these decks. See a few quick examples of how they work in action below.
Format: I will cast a string of three cards for you, or an arrangement of 6 cards in a pyramid, and give you an artful reading. In addition to giving you an answer to your question in a concise and brief manner, I will also wax poetical. The examples below feature just the gist of it.
In the popup box at checkout state your question and then specify which deck you would like a reading with. You can choose between Baka Tarot, Red Tarot, Arcades Tarot, Tarot Interdit, Arc Tarot, A Helium Poet Lenormand, The Marseille Oracle of the Fables, The Van Morrison Oracle, and the Goodall and Sons gilt playing cards deck, the Read like the Devil edition, all further described in the Art section on this website
Waiting time: up to 24 hours.
You can get a snappy reading that is as Devilish as hell with one of my own creations.
To date I have created 7 original art decks and participated in making two others. The limited editions decks have all sold out in a manner of minutes. The non-commercial decks are coveted from afar.
Since this is a sad state of affairs, I’m told, what with people not being able to get my decks, I decided to make another offer instead. You can now have the possibility to experience the power and flow of these decks. See a few quick examples of how they work in action below.
Format: I will cast a string of three cards for you, or an arrangement of 6 cards in a pyramid, and give you an artful reading. In addition to giving you an answer to your question in a concise and brief manner, I will also wax poetical. The examples below feature just the gist of it.
In the popup box at checkout state your question and then specify which deck you would like a reading with. You can choose between Baka Tarot, Red Tarot, Arcades Tarot, Tarot Interdit, Arc Tarot, A Helium Poet Lenormand, The Marseille Oracle of the Fables, The Van Morrison Oracle, and the Goodall and Sons gilt playing cards deck, the Read like the Devil edition, all further described in the Art section on this website
Waiting time: up to 24 hours.
You can get a snappy reading that is as Devilish as hell with one of my own creations.
To date I have created 7 original art decks and participated in making two others. The limited editions decks have all sold out in a manner of minutes. The non-commercial decks are coveted from afar.
Since this is a sad state of affairs, I’m told, what with people not being able to get my decks, I decided to make another offer instead. You can now have the possibility to experience the power and flow of these decks. See a few quick examples of how they work in action below.
Format: I will cast a string of three cards for you, or an arrangement of 6 cards in a pyramid, and give you an artful reading. In addition to giving you an answer to your question in a concise and brief manner, I will also wax poetical. The examples below feature just the gist of it.
In the popup box at checkout state your question and then specify which deck you would like a reading with. You can choose between Baka Tarot, Red Tarot, Arcades Tarot, Tarot Interdit, Arc Tarot, A Helium Poet Lenormand, The Marseille Oracle of the Fables, The Van Morrison Oracle, and the Goodall and Sons gilt playing cards deck, the Read like the Devil edition, all further described in the Art section on this website
Waiting time: up to 24 hours.
Reading examples
Baka Tarot
Check, The Charioteer, The Hanged Man
Question: My partner has offended me. What attitude is best to embody in light of this situation?
Answer: Check with his motivation. It looks like his strong drive got the better of him. But acknowledge also that the momentum is not with you. You must let it all hang.
You got two waiting cards here, so it’s best to wait it out, and not overreact. The offence won’t go away, and you will still feel like punishing him, which you may too, as per what we do with traitors, but since you’re advised to check, then check. Wait for another round, and then see if it’s still necessary to act as the punisher.
Suspend your anger. Hang it on a peg for the time being, and wait for the right moment to have a talk about it.
Red Tarot
Emperor, Lovers, Temperance
Question: I need to make a decision and the premise for it is no good, regardless of how much I try to shift it. What’s the best approach?
Answer: You can decide to not be resolute. As the logicians would say, when the premise is wrong, the conclusion is wrong. So the best is to go with the paradox of choosing moderation, which is another way of saying that you must choose not to choose. This doesn’t mean that you must wait. It simply means that you must act from the position of restraint.
While observing how the circumstance shifts, keep your impulse towards acting in check. Watch how the cup is always being filled from the top. Can you distinguish between what is being poured into it? While you ponder on that, you may discover that the premise has moved and the time to act towards choosing has become more auspicious.
Tarot Interdit
Star, Popess, Judgment
Question: When will Putin drop dead?
Answer: Haha, just the question for the forbidden tarot. Putin will drop dead when the tides till turn, when his chalices will be emptied of their waters. Perhaps it’s in the hands of the woman who counsels him from the wings. The one who will dance on his grave. When judgement day comes, which can be any time, then all will rise.
But when? First it will go slow, and then all of a sudden. He will drop dead when his Star is extinguished and his Book of Life closes on him. Shall we guess? 20 days would be too soon, given what is plausible and possible. 20 years would be too late, given his advanced age already. Let’s go with 20 months.
Prediction issued on December 24, 2022.
Arcades Tarot
Devil, Star, Sun
Question: We have an on and off relationship. Is this thing going anywhere?
Answer: It does. There’s both give and take here, both attraction and aversion which is enough to keep it interesting. Since the dynamics of these oppositional forces is well calibrated, it looks like the eternal sunshine of the mind – and body – will prevail.
The Devil’s darkness will be dispersed by the benefic Star, and then a closer Star, our Sun will shine unhindered on your relationship.
Keep giving, even if you’re met with hatred or an imposed form or attachment. Serve the Devil by serving your own light first. Go in an out of perspective, but brightly.
Marseille Oracle of the Fables
Pope, Force, Moon
Question: I say one thing and he understands another. What does it take for us to reach an agreement?
Answer: If he meets you from a pontificating position, or that of a moralist, when you would rather give in to your own raw force, then there’s nothing you can do. Your encounter with this man will always be under the sign of misunderstanding, a fine harness upon you, indeed, one that suggests that you will never be on the same page.
If he refuses to bless your daring act, you will suffer for it. So either change your man, your attitude, or your metaphors and dreams.
A Helium Poet Lenormand
Bouquet, Scythe, Birds
Question: How can I score at the job interview?
Answer: Don’t talk about your achievements, and how many flowers and medals you got for them. Presumably these things are already part of your written application.
Talk instead about the bird’s eye. If you have the ability to view things from a high angle as if seen by a bird in flight, then bring that to the table. Talk about vehicles of communication. Talk about high and low frequencies of transmitting a message. Are you good with gossip and chatter as you are with the serious subjects? Or indeed, if you’re more prone to the first, can you think of how you can hit the more grave notes? Ultimately, can you say, ‘cut,’ when that is called for, or are you going to stall the act with inconsequential talk about it?
Prepare for the interview by thinking about the extent to which these aspects are called for in relation to the job description. Demonstrate your strength therein.
Arc Tarot
Ground Zero, The Writer, The Argument
Question: I lost my job due to unfair judgment. Should I write a complaint about it?
Answer: These cards validate precisely what you’re saying, then also saying this: ‘you can write a complaint and then enter an argumentative debate with the office that got you fired. But then think: if all you get out of it is a fight that leads to nowhere, what exactly is the gain?’
‘Complain all you want,’ the cards say, but consider the fact that ground zero is in the picture. Things are levelled already. Even if you’re right and they are wrong, the visual fact that the cards give you a disputing argument in the final position in this line is suggestive of a waste of time. Whatever you will say will be met with counter resistance. This will go on for a while. Are you sure you want to waste your time arguing about it?
Van Morrison Oracle
Saint Dominic’s Preview, Versatile, Pay the Devil
Question: What are his feelings about me?
Answer: First he got the blues. Then he got more flexible about it. Now he is ready to gamble with his heart again. He will sit at the table with you and talk.
Goodall and Sons, RLD edition
6 Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, Jack of Clubs
Question: I’m a senior facilitator, but lately I’ve been having a hard time mediating at work. What shall I bring more of to the negotiating table, more focus on love or more focus on diligence?
Answer: Neither. What you must bring into your work with facilitating is the idea of how both the emotional aspect of work and execution are subject to transactional values. With the diamonds you transact, not make love or perform tasks. It seems that the juniors in the picture here may not be fully aware of the power of exchange. Highlight the fact that when love is given in return for a well-executed job, the premise for it is a transaction.
As a facilitator, talk about how strong each participant’s position is in relation to the common aim and agenda at work. As no one is interested in the value of weakness – in spite of the fact that weakness as a concept is now trending – the best is to look past hypocrisy and bring to the table the strong heart, not the whining, entitled, and indulgent heart.