A talisman is a thing of beauty. And power. The Eastern astrologers of old developed a method of drawing down the light of the stars by using gem stones. They believed that their mineral reflections could both capture and further refract the rays of light emanating from the fixed stars in our constellation. The more light, the better the illumination. If you want to be the king of anything, you need to be seen in a particular light, one that preferably shines with brilliance. I like this idea. I do this with words and artefacts that not only capture the idea of illumination, but also enhance the beauty of knowing things. My talismans mostly come in the form of art books, or books that are consecrated as magical objects, but there are also scents, incense, perfume, ceramics and cards.
Sympathetic magic
All the books that are consecrated as a talismanic object undergo a ritual that follows the rules of sympathetic magic. Among other things, this involves the burning of incense at the appropriate planetary hours in accordance with both the topic explored in the books and the physicality of the books. The books are often also accompanied by an art piece, an amulet, or a magical seal.
Check what art books are currently on offer here, or for a general take on talismans and sigils, check what is available here.
As there’s no divination without the world of scents, incense, and fumigation, there’s now the opportunity to get a custom perfume here.
For more on my process, read my essay, The Book as a Talisman, in the ‘Fragments’ section at EyeCorner Press.
As for my olfactory projects, one of my incense pots or perfume bottles may well accompany the rest.