arcades TAROT
I created the Arcades Tarot to accompany my book on deconstructed cards, largely about why it pays off to read a visual text not according to what you know, but rather according to what you see, when this seeing is predicated on insight not hearsay. The book explores the possibility to fit the essence of six Tarot cards to the constricted structure of the haiku poem. The result is a beautiful economy of thought and image.
haunted arcades
The Arcades Tarot is both haunting and deconstructive, providing a brand new look at the standard Marseille imagery. What I do here is play with the traditional idea in fortunetelling of ‘what comes through’ in terms of magic conjurations. As with Tarot Interdit, this was also a photography project. For each arcade I photographed magical objects in a mirror alongside with the famously unique Carolus Zoya deck in my collection.
The idea of ‘what comes through’ is, however, not only played with, but acted upon. For instance, when the deck was finished in 2019, it was consecrated on top of a mountain in Norway under conjurations of the god of war, Bishamonten, the goddess of love and war, Babalon, and Uesugi Kenshin, a dead samurai general, who insisted on poking me while I was gilding the deck.
Each deck was printed with archival inkjet printer technology, on matte double-sided photo paper (210 gsm). The sheets were then individually toned in a magical concoction, drip dried and ironed, after which the cards were cut, and the edges sanded and gilded in hand.
The deck contains the 22 major arcana cards in a custom made tuck box in two colors, purple and burgundy.
Although the deck sold out in 10 minutes, the hardback book is not a limited edition and thus still available. As a book of haiku poetry, it can be enjoyed on its own.
Get the book and get lost in its arcades.
Or, upon special request I will read your fortunes with this deck. I can cast the cards in a pyramid of 6 for your specific question. I will also end the brief analysis of your cards with a haiku. If you want to experience this deck, book a reading here.